The school is set in 10 hectares of parkland with extensive grounds suitable for a variety of sports and games. This exceptional school with its excellent teaching and sports facilities, provides the family atmosphere of a private house with comfortable rooms, homely cooking and cosy accommodation, ideal for our younger age groups.
Staff live on-site and their bedrooms are well positioned for close supervision and 24 hour on-call care. The boys and girls’ bedrooms are on separate floors with ample bathroom and shower facilities.
British Buddies
For international students at a summer school to have a British student who they can talk to, exchange ideas with, make a friend of and simply live together with is a dream that CLAC makes come true.
English Plus
English Plus classes are topic-based, designed specifically for CLAC students and led by a professional instructor. Students will have 5 hours of English Plus classes each week which are included in the course fees.